

Concept Art - Sneak a peek at Old King Stinky Toes
Want a peek at Old King Stinky Toes original artwork? We've just added a few pages of the book for your review!
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Old King Stinky Toes Available Now Official Publication Date June 1 st, 2005. You can buy Old King Stinky Toes today. Author Baxter Owen Graham

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Bawks - "Got a Problem" The Comic Strip - under development. Author Baxter Owen Graham  
  Attitude Monsters - "Don't let them get you!"  Prevent kids from having bad attitudes. By picturing these attitudes as monsters I make them more fun and understandable. I also show ways to prevent the monsters from attacking. - Publication Date 5/07  Author Baxter Owen Graham.  

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In Stores April 15th, 2005
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Author Baxter Owen Graham

